After that tour, Conway was reassigned to the HMS Renown and, of course, Jimmy went with him. As it turned out, Jimmy was the only mascot on board the Renown and the crew fell in love with him.
Jimmy mingled with the crew and was usually on hand when they engaged in sports. He was always ready for petting and socializing, but each night, Jimmy slept with Conway. It is almost comical that every morning, Jimmy would wake Conway up at exactly 6 A.M. by tapping him on the face with his paw. Because Conway was a cook, Jimmy used to sit on a shelf in the galley and watch Conway work. If a piece of food was put aside (sometimes on purpose), Jimmy would push it with his paw and knock it to the floor, where he would enjoy the snack.
Jimmy's sea adventures ended when Conway came home on leave in 1917. Because Jimmy's ear was acting up again, Conway decided to leave him in the care of Our Dumb Friends League Cat's Home at Chelsea.
Mrs. Brockwell, the secretary of the home, adopted Jimmy and used to take him on fund-raising 'excursions. He was often visited by his old shipmates and lived to an old age. Because he became quite a celebrity, many people mourned his death in 1924.