Animal Testing
Cosmetics and how animals contribute to their making
Bunnies for Beauty
Before we put it on our faces or anywhere in our body, our makeup and beauty products need to be tested. As there are many ways of testing the majority is on animals. Innocent animals are getting all types of chemicals put into their eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin.
Companies test on animals so if anything did go wrong, or the customer wasn't satisfied they would already have known because they conducted tests. It is unfair to do these tests on animals because they suffer through lots of pain. Some chemicals that are tested on animals are toxic and test the toxicity at certain levels. These tests cause the animals to have severe eye irritation, skin irritation or other side effects from the product. There are a variety of different tests conducted which include toxicity tests, mutagenicity tests (genetic mutations), carcinogenicity tests (for cancer) and skin and eye irritation tests. The law states that cosmetic products need to be tested, but not neccessarily on animals. Companies have the choice on what they use to test, but choose animals.
What's the end result?
In actual fact, this type of testing isn't very accurate. As humans and these types of animals are not very alike the effects that can happen to these animals won't always happen to humans. We do not have the exact same body parts as them so it would affect us in different ways. For example when doing eye irritancy tests, unlike humans, rabbits have a third eyelid, the width of a rabbits cornea is thinner and create less of the tear fluid that washs away any germs and irritants.
Does this type of testing really work?