Angelman Today July / August edition 2013 | Page 15

Angels in Action

Angels in Action is where you will read about the inspiring stories of the success in gained skills and abilities by our loved ones with Angelman Syndrome . Written by the families , we join in celebrating the abilities no matter how big or small . We believe it is important to inspire everyone with these real stories of our endearingly termed ‘ Angels in Action ’.
Possibilities abound when we have a vision ! By Karen VanPuyenbroeck of Illinois Angel Mom to Krista 10 years old , AS UPD
When I was asked by our Editor In Chief , Lizzie Sordia , to write a piece about Krista ' s abilities for this section ; I asked myself , what were my burning questions about how to develop abilities in my daughter ; and for me , I just really wanted to figure out how I could teach her to speak . I knew that there had to be a way and I obsessed on this topic for hours , days , months and yes , even years . It took me quite a while to find an angel with functional speech but I found him and once I found him I knew that it was possible for my angel to speak too ! I wanted to know how it was possible ? And the big lesson that I learned from Richie ' s mom , Dawn was that they first believed that he could develop this ability and so did his therapists ! From that point on I developed my own belief and elimi nated therapists who did not support my vision for my daughter of verbal communication and unfortunately for me ; this meant that Krista received no speech therapy for a time and mom became her therapist with the help of a program called NACD . Through NACD , I learned that an unskilled parent , who was willing to learn how to implement therapy , who would spend many hours per week implementing therapy and who could maintain the vision for their child was preferable to a highly skilled professional therapist who could only spend an hour per week with my child and who did not share my vision .
Today , at age 10 Krista speaks over a hundred words and has quite a few phrases , her speech has been referred to as " functional " by her school and by the last two speech therapists who have evaluated her . Krista ' s favorite and most consistent phrase over the years has been " I love you " and if those were the only words that I had ever heard spoken from the lips of my angel , all of the energy that we have put into her healing program would have been worth it and I would do hundreds of times over again .
Here ' s how we did it : 1 . We cultivated belief ! I have to credit my husband Steve for this . This angel Daddy always knew that his girl was A-ok . And to my kid ' s Nana who said simply " if you want her to speak , we will teach her to speak ". Because Nana has adult twin boys with autism as a result of Urea Cycle Disorder ; I knew , that she knew exactly what she was talking about and so I believed her . Krista ' s older siblings played an essential role ; by always speaking to her as if she could speak back .
2 . I tossed out any ‘ Debbie Downer ’ therapists or health care providers in her life ; at times , this meant that she did not receive certain therapies at all ; but again , I had come to understand that it was better that I work with her with all of my love , support and belief than it was for a professional who didn ' t see things that way .
3 . I only shared my vision for my daughter with people who believed in her ability ; well meaning friends and relatives may want to help you " accept " your child ' s limitations . I finally came to understand that this was their position and realized that pushing the issue was only baiting them into an " oh you poor dear , it ' s sad that you have not come to terms with your child ' s disability " type of lecture .
4 . Gluten and Casein free diet baby ! Thanks to a miraculous accident ; I bought the wrong Autism book at Barnes and Noble called Unraveling The Mystery of Autism by author , Karyn Seroussi . This started us on an amazing journey that lead us to the wonderful discovery that by removing these offending proteins my daughter ' s health would improve drastically and as a result of her improved health status , Krista gained many wonderful skills ; much too many to mention here but improved speech was definitely a biggie !