Angelman Today July / August edition 2013 | Page 14

Summer Time is a great time to find your local farmer ’ s market and buy fresh fruits & veggies
LGIT Testimonial - Anna had a terrible start . She could not drink and because of this she was hospitalized 3 weeks after her birth . They soon discovered she had epilepsy and here in The Netherlands I understood , almost all babies with epilepsy get Phenobarbital . Because I was not satisfied with the care Anna received we decided to move to another hospital . So almost 6 months later , the new neurologist advised us to stop with Phenobarbital and start with Keppra . And it was a good choice . When Anna was 1 year old she finally got diagnosed : Angelman Syndrome . With Keppra , we succeeded to keep her seizure free for almost 2 years . When the seizures came back we started with Rivotril ( Clonazepam ) in addition to the Keppra and it helped her for 2 years but then the seizures came back again . Her neurologist advised us to start with a third drug but we didn ’ t want to give her more medicine . At the same time I read the research article about the LGIT and I got enthusiastic about it . I had to give it a try ! Anna ’ s neurologist was a bit suspicious but I insisted so he helped us . The first month was terrible . Anna got more seizures and was very tired . I was so afraid I was only complicating her life instead of helping her . I was so down that I just wanted to stop the diet . But after a long phone call with Sybille Kraft I decided to continue the diet for just a few more weeks . And I ’ m so happy we did this . A week later , Anna ’ s absences were gone . She started to walk again , became more alert .... And the best thing of all was that for the first time in her life she slept for 6 hours without waking . This was so amazing ! The LGIT made a big change in Anna ’ s life . She is able to concentrate , she ’ s more active , and sleeps better . It ' s just amazing ! At first , the diet appears very complicated . This is because we are so used to eating a lot of bread , sugar and processed food . If you just use fresh vegetables , meat , eggs and fish you can easily cook something very healthy , tasty and LGIT . When travelling we always take our own food with us for Anna and there is always something on the menu in a restaurant that she can eat . -Violeta Giurgi

Summer Time is a great time to find your local farmer ’ s market and buy fresh fruits & veggies