Syndrome Foundation Invests $ 1.25 Million in AS Research
Due to your support , the Angelman Syndrome Foundation is able to award more than $ 1.25 million in grants for AS research this current grant cycle . This year ’ s funded research will contribute to all future AS preclinical and clinical trials , helping move AS research closer to developing treatments for individuals with AS while furthering the research community ’ s understanding of the complexities of AS . Thanks to you , this year ’ s funded research will seek to define the optimal window for potential treatment , further understanding of varying UBE3A gene mutations and deletions , and determine if a current FDA-approved drug is a viable treatment in an AS mouse model .
participation include working with a speech pathologist and conducting quarterly assessments , among others .
ASF Biennial Conference , Your Ultimate AS Resource
The Angelman Syndrome Foundation ’ s 2013 Biennial Conference , Championing Progress , will be held July 23-26 at the Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin resort in Orlando , Florida . As a central resource for your family ’ s unique needs and those of your loved one with AS , the Conference addresses all aspects of living with AS and provides the opportunity to network and learn from a variety of experts and keynote speakers , attend breakout sessions , and participate in collaborative opportunities with other families .
iPads For AS
To help individuals with AS overcome some of the challenges associated with communication , the Angelman Syndrome Foundation has launched the iPads For AS program , which provides Apple ® iPads ® for up to 100 individuals who qualify for the program . Requirements for
ASF Honors Your Investment
Due to your support and that of more than 7,000 volunteers during the last 21 years , the Angelman Syndrome Foundation has been able to :
• Provide more than 250,000 individuals with information , support and connections to resources
• Raise more than $ 12.5 million to fund research and provide direct support to individuals affected by AS
• Grant more than $ 5.8 million to more than 70 research endeavors to support a diverse set of research projects
• Hold more than 186 individual walks in 42 cities across the country that have been attended by more than 52,000 individuals
The Angelman Syndrome Foundation is honored to serve as a resource to the AS community and welcomes any individual touched by AS to contact the organization .
Thank you for your support !
The 2013 Angelman Syndrome Foundation National Walk boasted record participation with more than 11,700 individuals who , to date , have raised more than $ 1 million towards the $ 1.1 million fundraising goal . Fundraising continues through September 30 . The Angelman Syndrome Foundation is deeply grateful for the time , energy and support that you and the AS community invested to raise these funds that provide direct support to individuals with AS and their families through programs , resources and networking opportunities , and that fund research that will help lead to a cure for AS .
www . Angelman . org ( 800 ) 432-6435 Int ’ l ( 630 ) 978-4245 info @ angelman . org