Clinical Trial of Low Glycemic Index Treatment proves effective for reducing seizures by 80 – 90 %
Dr . Thibert and Dr . Elizabeth Thiele ( both are members of the Scientific Advisory board for the Angelman Syndrome Foundation ) were able to launch a clinical study to determine the efficacy of the Low Glycemic Index Treatment in reducing seizures in individuals with Angelman Syndrome . In July 2012 the results were in and published in Epilepsia and in the Angelman Syndrome Foundation newsletter .
Epilepsia link : http :// onlinelibrary . wiley . com / doi / 10.1111 / j . 1528-1167.2012.03537 . x / abstract PubMed link : http :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 22779920
You can read my interview with Dr . Thibert on my blog www . MeetTheFamiliesofAS . blogspot . com
A Grandmother finds a solution for her granddaughter and all of our kids with Angelman Syndrome By Lois Carroll When my growing granddaughter , who has AS , couldn ' t be fitted with large enough bibs , I took out my sewing machine to solve the problem . I showed the resulting smock to friends , and my project , Sophie ' s Smocks , named after my granddaughter , was born so that many kids with AS could have a free smock . I buy new and gently used turtlenecks and trim . Supporters donate their time to help and their money for postage and materials to keep the project ongoing . All the smocks are FREE for individuals with AS . I have child size SMALL to adult XL . They are available to others for a donation to cover at least the postage to keep the project going . To get a smock , all you have to do is ask by emailing smocks @ cox . net . Give me your child ' s shirt size plus a name and mailing address including zip . I ' ll send one as soon as I can . There ' s no catch and no obligation . I mail around the world and free means free . You can check it out at my website : http :// loiscarrollbooks . com / indexSS . htm
Thank you , Grandma Lois Sophie ' s Smocks