Ang Kalatas May 2018 Issue | Page 10


Best actress award to Van Tiel

BERNIE Van Tiel , of Strathfield NSW , won the award of ‘ Best Female Performance ’ for her lead role in the webfilm ‘ Jade of Death ’ at the 2018 LAWebFest Awards in Los Angeles , USA .
Van Tiel , 24 , a Filipino-Australian beatboxer , dancer and actress said on receiving news of her award : " To win the award feels great . It was never my intention to set out and win anything , I was just happy to be part of something that mattered and to do what I love .”
In her leading role as the character ‘ Jade ’ in the film , she can “ hear when and how people are going to die ”.
“ There ’ s more to Jade ’ s past than she lets on , and more to her powers than she knows ," Van Tiel says .
‘ Jade of Death ’ boasted the most number of nominations at the LAWebFest awards . These were Best Drama Series ( Taylor Litton-Strain and Erin Good ), Best Direction - Drama ( Erin Good ), Best
Writing – Drama ( Erin Good ), Best Female Performance ( Bernie Van Tiel ), Best Male Performance ( Nicholas Hope ), Best Sound ( David Williams ), Best Production Design ( Esther Karuso-Thurn ), Best Make-Up ( Vianna Houghton ), Best Costume Design ( Zora Milevski ), Best Original Music ( Chris Hogben , Yoshi Hausler and Sonaire , Simon Walbrook and Darren Middleton . •

What do you remember most about your mother ?

Wentworth Point
When I was young , mum was my protector , my biggest fan , my role model .
She taught me the value of selfworth and self-confidence .
Now that I ' m older , my mum has become more of a supporter , my best friend .
She is a tireless and selfless woman who will always drop everything for us .
I remember these times and look forward to more amazing moments as best friends . •
Sunday Mass was a total expectation with Nanay . Sleepy as a child , I must go and sit attentively and listen .
I rebelled at times because I love sleeping . Oh my goodness .
But in reflection , I was spiritually guided . Many good things happened because of those many masses and wonderings .
They are the treasured moments of my life with my Nanay .
My mother was very entrepreneurial . She steered the family into all sorts of business ranging from convenience store , transport business - taxis , jeepneys , tricycles ), livestock - pigs and chickens , selling Avon products and Imarflex dealership .
She is also a brilliant homemaker . She cooks sumptuous food and cleans the house apart from being the ' CEO ' of our business empire .
More importantly , my mother moulded us to be practicing Catholics . We were involved with church activities like catechism , Mass , Easter celebration , santacruzan and Misa de Gallo •
There are so many things that I remember about my mother , but the most profound event that I remember about my mother was after my ordination as a priest 11 years ago .
Family and friends line up and I gave them my blessing as a newlyordained priest .
When it was my mother ’ s turn to receive her blessing , she cried and I asked her : Why are you crying ?
She said that she cried because I was going to leave because she knew I was moving to Australia for my mission assignment . I told her jokingly : Just imagine that I just got married and I have to leave you to start a family .
Now , I still call up my family every month and the first one that I wanted to talk to is my mother . •
It ' s her undying devotion to us her kids , her hardworking nature to provide for me and my sister Јayde Crystal that I remember my mother most .
My vivid memory of her would have to be when I was in primary school in Glebe .
She worked with IGA supermarket and was a weekly radio broadcast presenter at Radio 2000 98.5FM in Burwood with cohost Ross Aguilar .
Listening to her live broadcast I remember feeling it was so cool .
My mother has always put her kids first . I will never forget her unconditional love . •
10 MAY 2018 | AK NewsMagazine , Vol 8 No 8 www . kalatas . com . au Celia Rodriguez is a Filipina veteran actress known for her roles as an evil step mother .