Ang Kalatas April 2016 | Page 2

02 WHAT’S ON THE MESSAGE. BRINGING INTO FOCUS FILIPINO PRESENCE IN AUSTRALIA | Volume 6 Number 7 | APRIL 2016 SSS conducts onsite services in NSW Biggest Morning Tea A DELEGATION from the Social Security System (SSS) will visit Sydney on April 30 to May 3, 2016 to conduct briefings and extend onsite services to members of the Filipino community in New South Wales. The briefing by the SSS representatives will cover the various programs and services for overseas Filipinos, including SSS benefits in case of sickness, maternity, disability, retirement and death (including funeral grant). The on-site services will include: • Registration for new members; IT’S TIME to prepare the cuppa. Australia’s annual ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ event is officially set for May 26th. Everyone is now invited to hold your tea anytime in May or June. You can start booking your big tea fun event to help Cancer Council save lives through the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer. As it’s a weekday, why not gather your workmates, transform the office kitchen or boardroom and give everyone a well-deserved break with an event at work? It’s a great bonding experience, and whether they bake a cake, help run it, or simply show up with their donations, everyone has the chance to take part. Here’s how to make it happen: Start talking to your manager. Make sure management is behind your morning tea and are happy for you to promote it. You can ask them to spread the word too. Check your date, time and location works for them, and • Reactivation of membership (verification of membership); • Enrolment in a Flexi-fund Program; • Member data change request; • Pensioner data change request; • Complains with Annual Confirmation of Pensioners (ACOP) Program; and • Filing of benefit claim applications. For the list of the required forms and supporting documents for the SSS on-site services, please refer to image below. Following is the schedule of activities to be conducted by the SSS delegation: 30 April 2016 (Sat) 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Briefing and on-site services for the Filipino Community Venue: Philippine-Australian Community Services Inc (PACSI), Level 1, 97 Main Street, Blacktown 2148 2-3 May 2016 (Mon-Tue) 9:00 am -1:00 pm On-site services at the Consular Section, Philippine Consulate General, Sydney follow the usual processes for things like booking a room. Plan your event. Will you invite just your team, or why not include your division or the whole organisation? How about including customers, suppliers and others that are part of your organisation’s network? Set up an Online Fundraising Page. Start your own fundraising page on the official event website, and personalise it with all the details of your morning tea and don't forget to include your organisation's details. It’s a great place to talk about your theme and anything you’d like guests to do. You can also use it to collect donations and help promote your event. For more details, visit the official website: www.biggestmorningtea.