28 body in the State that possess the required skill sets and trained manpower (though not in adequate measure – which can be upgraded by intense training) to offer governpreneurship in urban development and has the technical competence in GIS and other related technologies. But three attitudinal changes are required for us to venture into this mode, i.e., adapt to the participation process (play the role of a coordinator), develop a strong multidisciplinary understanding of the development process (play the role of a researcher) and develop the ability to cut through the bureaucratic maze. in the true spirit of our Constitution. The essential ingredient for the model is the concept of governpreneurship which simply means entrepreneurship within the government. The State has a number of successful examples of governpreneurship like Kudumbashree, CIAL etc. Partnering of people, industry, government, local self government, academia etc not only for planning process but also for implementation is the key factor. It is important to see that the implementation of the plans also do take place along with and continuous correction of the course can be effected through dialogue between the stakeholders and the government. Along the course some elements get dropped, some unforeseen element come forward and the framework should be broad and flexible enough to accommodate both. In short the planning process is complete when the implementation is over. This means a paradigm shift in the planning process and shall require new set of performance standards and benchmarks, systems and skill sets. What is the role of Town & Country Planning Department in this model of development planning process? The Department is the only The activities of the Kozhikode Regional Office of the Department are streamlined in this context as sort of experimentation for evolving the new model. Some very favourable factors have come up during the last two years in the City which has created an ideal ground for germination of the idea. One is the beginning of “Smart Kozhikode” initiative. Being unhappy about the City losing out on Smart City Challenge, the leaders of industry, academia, peoples’ representatives and government officials have come together to support the Local Self Government in bringing in smart choices in the city. The first meeting of the initiative was held on 5th March 2016 which was attended by Sri. Mohammed Haneesh IAS, the then Secretary (Urban Affairs) and around twenty five persons, all leaders in their respective field of activity. The core committee of the initiative meets frequently and deliberate on the broad framework for action (the fluid plan). The committee also acts as a catalyst for various development activities and supports the city government in formulating development programmes. The initiative does not have a formal structure at all. The members communicate among themselves and carry out the activities in a quite informal manner. Another congenial happening in this regard is the decision of the City Government to form a Consultative Committee to the Mayor which is supposed to advise the Mayor on various issues related to City Governance. The Consultative Committee has peoples’ representatives, technical experts and leaders of industry & academia in the City. The “Smart Kozhikode” initiative and the Consultative Committee have a lot in common, in terms of membership and function and hence have almost merged together.