27 made collection, compilation and interpretation of geo-spatial data in real time possible. On the other hand, quantum jumps in Information Technology and use of social media calls for the use of such real time geo-spatial data for problem solving and decision making. Around the same time, the legal regime pertaining to development planning has undergone drastic changes with the 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts in 1992 and the subsequent State legislations for Municipalities and Panchayaths. The new legal regime focuses on public participation in local self government and makes development planning exclusive prerogative of the Local Self Government. This has resulted in changes in the way the Town & Country Planning Department functions in the State and has culminated in Kerala Town & Country Planning Act, 2016 in short. What all these changes mean to the Town & Country Planning Department and the Town Planning fraternity in the State? First of all, the town planning schemes (master plans and DTP Schemes) as we know now may not have much relevance in the future being too rigid and inelastic. When changes are taking place in the economy, technology and hence business models in very short span of time, these plans which require years together for making as well as revising is not likely to succeed as model prescriptions for spatial development. Besides, with the multitude of issues, especially with concern for social inclusion, one stop solutions for development issues are hard to come by. A thorough process for assimilating various opinions and view points through consistent and persuading discussions has become essential. So, the planning process has got to be a continuous dialogue between various stakeholders and one that ensures give and take attitude creating win- win situations. Evolution of a new model has become imperative in this context. This model essentially has to shed the rigidity in the system to be effective in the present day context. Which means what we need would be a set of fluid plans which goes on evolving as being implemented within a broad framework. Ideas like tactical urbanism have lot to do in such a model and are likely to get public support and involvement