Ancient Path AncientPath_eng46w-010_20180116 | Page 5
Did you know that the “gospel” simply means “good
news,” and the “good news” of Jesus pre-dates
Buddha by 1500 years? This “good news” will be
explained in this little book you hold in your hand.
You are about to learn the story of how God created
man and the universe in one six day period. He
placed the first man and his wife in a garden to take
care of the animal and ecological environment. God
gave them liberty to do all that their hearts desired,
except for one thing: Don’t eat the fruit of one
particular tree (Genesis 2:17).
As you read, you will learn that because of pride
and disobedience, our first ancestors fell from their
exalted position as friend of God and overseers of
the earth. You will learn why the world, in so many
ways, is now so horrible. You will learn why there is
war, famine, disease and evil in a world that the Bible
says God made “very good” (Genesis 1:31.) You will
read how in the beginning even the animals were at
peace with each other and only ate vegetables. In the
beginning, nature was not “red in tooth and claw” as it is
today (Genesis 1:30).
Read on dear friend, and discover that there IS
hope for you and this world. Learn the story about
Jesus, God’s Son, who died for you. Follow “The
Ancient Path” as it unfolds in the pages of God’s
love letter to humanity.