Ancient Greece Feb. 2014 | Page 10

Q and A IntervieW

With Plato

Interviewer: So Plato, what did the Greek did for their everyday life?

Plato: For everyday life, we go train in the military or discuss politics with our fellow citizens. If we are not doing either of those things, we go to the theatre for entertainment.

Interviewer: As a philosopher, what do you believe is the greatest concept of how a human life is lived?

Plato: I would say that the greatest concept of living in life is that "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something".

Interviewer: I believe you say this because to live in life, you will need a wise person's input on life in order to help guide instead of a foolish person who will only lead you astray.

Plato: I will let you believe what you want to believe.

Jason Duong

Magazine Creator