'’Not always discoveries are attributed to the ones who actually made them’’
- Unknown
To understand a bit more the history of the heart, it is important to understand first the organ itself. The heart is a muscular organ that has as a task to pump blood to every part of the body. Its size is relative to the size of an average human fist. If this organ stops working, no oxygen would reach other parts of the body, which would lead to death.
''We have found the secret of life''
-Francis Crick
At the beginning of the III century, the heart was thought to be the organ that is now known as the liver. But, a lot of time after that, there was a genius, who, somehow he sketched the most accurate design ever of the human heart. This character, as it was called before a genius, was nothing less but, Leonardo Da Vinci.
‘’ The unexamined life is not worth living’’
- Socrates
There was also another Italian, who stated a wrong theory about the blood pump. He was known as Galeno. He said that the blood came from the liver; he imagined that the blood flow was kind of like a wave movement. As a matter of fact he was completely wrong and later ridiculed by Vesalius
Vesalius was the famous “Reainassance Dissector” he was called like that because he was the first person to dissect dead human bodies, in order to know how our body works. He described individually the organs and the general structure of the human body. Also he was the one who wrote, In the Human Body Factory, published in 1543.
“We have been led by the great work of the Almighty, which states that the blood sweat right ventricle to left ventricle through passages that are beyond human vision "
- Vesalius
Also with the dissection of bodies by Vesalius, new theories arose during the Scientific Revolution. The theory that stated that the blood circulated around the body rose in the XVII century. This was the first discovery made in this era, linked to the heart. This discovery was made by William Harvey in 1628. People before the Scientific Revolution thought that the liver was the beginning of the circulation of the blood, but what Harvey discovered was that the heart was the beginning of the circulation of the blood, disproving the theory of Galen. Harvey also did another discovery, after he found that the heart was the beginning of the circulation of the blood, he found a way of measuring the amount of blood pumped by the heart and it was obvious that the body could not possibly manufacture all the blood that was being pumped. It had to be continuously recirculated. Harvey proved that his theory was correct, but was unable to explain how the blood flowed from arteries into veins. That would be left to Marcello Malpighi, who, in 1661, discovered capillaries in the lungs of a frog.
The heart was being studied since long time ago, maybe because it’s one of the most important organs in the body, or maybe because of the curiosity, but what it is still unknown, is why did the first heart specialists emerged after WWI? Almost 500 years studying it and no specialist yet!
‘’A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind’’
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
In the independence period, Mexico was facing a lot of diseases that back on that time they didn't have treatment. Some examples of these diseases are: smallpox, yellow fever, typhus (also called “the mysterious fevers”). People in the Mexico City started to die because of this diseases and the percentage of the population decreased rapidly. Perhaps the most mysterious disease during the Independence period time was the Yellow fever, this disease is caused by the bite of a mosquito that can damage the liver and other important organs. This type of disease was usually found in jungles or tropical rain forest in Mexico, and it can spread by animals that get this mosquito bite. People that had this disease usually presented symptoms like getting yellowing their skin (because the hepatitis in the liver is damage), vomiting, and pain, but the main disease that was present during 1810-1820 was the smallpox. This disease was introduced at first when the Spaniards came to colonize Mexico in the XVI century and it was an important factor that led to the conquest of the Spaniards and also caused a severe decline on the population of Indigenas. The first symptoms occur when some flat, red spots start to appear in your body, and you start to feel fatigue and also headache. The spread of this disease was mainly of the saliva. Back in those days people didn’t have the knowledge of this diseases because this kind of illness was brought for the other side of the world.
Due to the increasing number of epidemics the government started a new health regulation law, which decreed that all hospitals will be dependent of the government, however the centralist power did little to prevent this in the extremes of the country. Another factor involved was the fact that Mexico had 3 different presidents in less than 3 years, so the political instability made it hard for the government to focus in those medical problems. Nonetheless in 1831 the Medical Faculty of the Federal District was made, to regulate the practice of medicine among those who studied it, however it was replaced in 1841 by the superior council of salubrity. France had a big influence in the practice of medicine inside Mexico, since several books were exported from France, as well as the study plan. That’s why people needed to speak French in order to study medicine.
appliquée à la médecine”, which was a classification of diseases, this supported further investigations on medicine. After this, Xavier Bichat took Pinel’s work and based on it made a more specific and useful nosography with pathological bases. Based on this knowledge, René Laennec was able to create a tool called the stethoscope, which allowed doctors to listen sounds inside the body (heart beats, respiratory sounds, etc.). Around 1920, Doctor Manuel Eulogio Carpio wrote a book which combined past medical knowledges with actual ones including the recently created stethoscope. By the early 1800’s François Broussais’s ideology expanded to the Americas, thus helping medical advancement in México by prescribing his patients with leeches, bloodletting and having the patient not eat. Later on, in 1833 the Medical Sciences establishment (establecimiento de Ciencias Médicas) was founded in México by Valentín Gómez Farías and the “Junta de instrucción pública”. This is the place where modern medicine began to be taught and later on in 1842 became the “Escuela de Medicina”.
In 1852 during the Industrial Revolution a smart person called Hermann Friedrich Stannius, was curious about the heart and opened a frog. He found that the frog’s heart had ties ligature between the sinus venosus, called the pacemaker, and he demonstrated that the pacemaker of the heart is the sinus, but the ventricles and the auricles can have independent, involuntary contractions. In 1855 a brilliant person named Rudolph Albert von Kolicker published his work on the "action currents" of the heart, he demonstrated that an electric current was being made every beat of a frog's heart. In 1872 a mysterious man called Duchenne de Boulogne brought back to life a drowned child by linking 1 electrode to the leg while tapping the precordium with rhythm using another electrode. In 1882 a very important opportunity for scientific tests took place. A 46 year old unskilled woman laborer named Catharina Serafin, had a chest tumor that put her heart in danger, which it could be seen through the skin's thin layer. Von Ziemssen played with her heart applying electric current to manipulate her heart beat. They discovered that with the application of electrical pulses to the cardiac surface, ventricular activity was produced. This led to very fatal investigations. In late 1800s around 1889 they reached a conclusion that by applying electricity in the chest it can exit the rhythmic contraction and stimulate the hearts. This is a very important date for medicine, for it developed the first integrated theory of cardiac pacing.
In 1893 the first successful heart surgery took place, it was performed by DR. Daniel Hale Williams. It happened when the doctor opened a man’s chest to repair a tear in the heart lining saving him from a knife wound in the heart.
Concluding, back in time during the 1600 and from now on the heart has been seen as an organ, with no feelings seen as scientific way as possible. Also people didn’t know anything about the circulation in the body because they didn’t have the correct ideas or precise information about how our body works. As a matter of fact, it was impossible to know the exact function of each organ, but thanks to some smart people that started to think such as what Andreas Vesalius did about dissecting dead human bodies. Followed by William Harvey, he stated that the blood was pumped by the heart, so his theory was right. With these series of theories about the blood and how did the circulation occurred, people was able to understand much better about the human anatomy (especially about the heart). Later on, other doctors started to conduct other experiments about the heart’s function in relation with the lungs, arteries, veins, and other important organs. Without this discoveries it cannot be known what it is known nowadays about the heart. By being curious a change can be made.
Something that can be clearly appreciated, is that war stops progress, in the medicine, it is indeed stopped, but it's necessary, because of the injuries, but progress is not something seen in this period. No important changes during Mexico's Independence War were done, why? Clearly because it's a war. The people were hiding or fighting, what can be expected for progress? In this case, medicine was not progressing, but the things discovered were being tested and used. The real changes came after war ceased, what can be concluded about this? Something really important in history. Even if it's necessary, war is not helpful for the progress of mankind so war MUST be avoided, if progress is wanted, as a specie. That's why humans, as a specie, didn't progress in medicine at that time.