ANAM FD May. 2015 | Page 71

The Beginning Parker Bolte His feet sweep the earth of its dust His hair knotted and matted with twigs and greased with mud Lost in a trance the man wonders, earths forest Tossing, turning, spinning, dancing the man comes to a fallen tree Slithering his way to the lumber he finds a woman in slumber A child of god, created by earth; PANDORA Her quiet whispers is the wind, her rough patchy skin is grass; APHRODITE True children of god they dance around their fire Green surrounds them, suddenly a serpent appears; DIONYSUS Drink my wine and eat my fruit The serpent coiled and cunning gives them his wine The serpents scales show life; REALITY With a sip of wine and a bite of fruit sin is born His green eyes drip; WATER Together, man and woman weep; HUMAN 71