An Ode to Those
Rachel Hillier
Here’s an ode to those smiles you fake
And feelings you can’t imitate
To those good times,
That are few and far between,
Not to mention not even worth the journey
Here’s an ode to those who don’t really want to spend their life falling past countless stories
Here’s an ode to those who pass the tests,
But still need help
Here’s an ode to those that will never be part of an asphalt tribe or a cardboard village-And to those that will never escape
And to those in between-Those who can afford the cost of living,
But not nice lives
Here’s an ode to those middle class infiltrators,
The overall working class traitors
Here’s an ode to those that took the supposed miracle pill-But it burst on their tongue and sent fire down their throat,
Filling their lungs with a black smoke that choked their every word,
And darkened their every thought
Here’s an ode to those who can’t dissect their distress and disinterest.
To those with sore eyes,
Who can see what it’s like losing the fight
Here’s an ode to those who need a voice,
Not a moment of silence
To those that apologize for being vulnerable,
In a world where you can’t trust anyone else
Here’s an ode to those who talk to their empty medicine cabinets.
To those who find some sadness somewhat addicting,