ANAM FD May. 2015 | Page 49

I am constantly spiraling down, into a pit of despair, I am never happy. I am a puppet of the monster, he keeps me, I will surely never be free. But I can’t find the way out of the spiral, then I am back into the room. But the only thing in the room is one word painted along the wall, Pain. Then a new creature appears, but not of evil. ‘Rid yourself of Hatred.’ ‘I try! But everywhere I go, each thing I do, the monster can see!’ ‘Then you do not try hard enough. For the answer is easy to see.’ ‘Then tell me!’ I beg. He responds, ‘Simply forget the problems, you will then be happy.’ I try, I forget the pain, the nights I spent crying, the nights I plead to be rid of hatred. Then I realize how petty the problems were. I finally feel free. The Demon returns, ‘What is this? What happened to the hatred, the loss, the pain?’ I leave the empty room, blue skies, green grass is all I see. I finally am free of pain. All I am is happy. We all need to rid the demon to be free, and to rid ourselves of hatred. Artist: Mai E. 49