g oal - d rive n a n a ly t i c s
In the end, Analytics 3.0 will lead organizations to shift their thinking from tactics
and technology to strategy and measured impact.
Strategic Implementation is
Most leadership today does not realize how expensive it is in the long run to
insist upon immediate results and instant
payback. Instead of investing time to design and build a modeling factory, they
choose to manufacture each new analytic product as custom and demand delivery within nearly impossible timeframes.
With big data and analytics, industry typically devalues comprehensive
assessment and tailored project design
– opting for immediate summaries or projections. Organizations continue to draw
little value from disparate, ad hoc analyses that produce some nice-to-know insights, but fall short of driving goal-driven
decisions that translate impact back to
It is a common practice to request
case studies to evaluate vendors and
technology. But it’s misguided, as each
implementation is highly situational and
based on a multitude of contributors.
Just because 10 similar organizations
realized substantial gains does not mean
that your team is even at the starting line.
Case summaries convey very little about
a n a ly t i c s - m a g a z i n e . o r g
process and project design issues that
are critical to achievin r