title “data scientist” will only live up to its
label of a theoretical quantitative specialist and fail to have strategic or even operational impact.
The majority of companies don’t realize that common business practitioners
can leverage modern predictive modeling software that encapsulates the complexity of machine learning to quickly
build “more than adequate models.” This
can be done in conjunction with an analytic support team. Beyond IT and the
business owner, the team should include
strategic oversight from a seasoned senior consultant who can collaboratively
develop an overarching optimized modeling process.
The resulting process will follow the
blueprints developed from the information amassed in the assessment. The
process will not only ensure optimal deployment of the model, but roadmap and
tailor all actions from operating within
the sandbox, to data preparation, model
development, deployment, validation, reporting and model lifecycle management.
Which organization has the best O.R. department in the world?
call for
The Institute for Operations Research and the
Management Sciences annually awards the
INFORMS Prize for effective integration of
Operations Research/Management Science
(OR/MS) and advanced analytics into
organizational decision making. The award
is given to an organization that has repeatedly
applied the principles of OR/MS and advanced
analytics in pioneering, varied, novel, and lasting ways.
log onto: www.informs.org/informsprize for more information
or contact Peter Buczkowski, 2015 Prize Chair
voice: +1 407-560-2299
email: [email protected]
Tell us why the title should be yours.
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