Figure 1: Three key elements to unlocking the value of data.
1. Information infrastructure (ingest
and store efficiently): This element is about
creating infrastructure that can capture,
store, replicate and scale information at
2. Information management: An
information ecosystem to manage,
secure, govern and leverage information
seamlessly across an organization’s
information assets.
3. Insights: Correlate and use this
data in conjunction with existing business data (usually structured data) and
analyze using descriptive and prescriptive analytics to aid decision-making.
The last few years have seen a lot
of focus and attention on infrastructure
and information management. Exciting new technologies, frameworks and
methodologies have evolved to address
the needs of these elements. For example, infrastructure technologies have
greatly improved, as have the innovations that benefit data centers. They
range from fast and efficient servers to
data center solutions that can capture,
store, replicate and scale information at
high speeds.
Information management has seen
the most rapid evolution and change.
Managing information through distributed technologies (file systems such as
Hadoop) has changed information storage to provide low latency, high speed,
highly available systems. Innovations in
areas such as traditional enterprise data
warehousing environments through indatabase, in-memory capabilities and
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