Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 36

B U S IN E S S DE C I S I O N -M A K I NG More accurate forecasting, supported by collaborative silo-penetrating processes, can reduce working capital up to 20 percent and reduce out-of-stock events by up to 6 percent. 36 | many companies still use the wrong tools, including spreadsheets and black-box enterprise resource planning (ERP) algorithms, which are not necessarily fine-tuned for individual SKUs and may be especially ill-suited for slowmoving items with no sales in some periods. Forecasting is also often ignored at the pointof-sale level, which is harder to do but can be used to improve distribution-center forecasts and cross-department collaboration. Choosing right-time series models, tightening modeling parameters using mathematical optimization and adjusting processes to become demand-driven can result in substantial operational improvements. More accurate forecasting, supported by collaborative silo-penetrating processes, can reduce working capital up to 20 percent and reduce out-of-stock events by up to 6 percent. Marketing optimization. Demand can be stimulated by driving up sales with brand-recognition campaigns or by promoting individual goods and services. Sometimes, these promotional campaigns are either too broad or poorly timed and very often offer higher discounts than necessary to achieve extra sales volumes. Marketing optimization approaches maximize the effectiveness of these campaigns within marketing budget constraints. Alternatively, they can inform decision-makers about the right budget level to achieve a certain sales volume. These techniques routinely improve the marketing budget by 10 percent while allowing for achiev ing the business objectives. A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G