Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 35

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis make better decisions – encapsulates these analytical techniques, applicable at all stages of a company’s operations, to help improve overall profitability given particular business objectives and constraints. In turn, a variety of user-friendly visualization tools and techniques can help management focus on their most important key performance indicators (KPIs). This article explores some of the most common applications for analytical and visualization techniques and highlights the benefits that can be achieved. THE POWER OF OPTIMAL DECISIONS Analytical techniques allow us to understand and stimulate demand, develop A NA L Y T I C S an efficient production plan, effectively source and allocate production resources, and lower distribution costs. Across all industries, many companies are excelling at applying these techniques, recognizing them as necessary to maintain a competitive advantage. Analytics can have a sizable impact across all areas of operations (see Figure 1). SALES AND MARKETING Demand forecasting. Being customer-oriented and demand-driven are modern business prerequisites. Although demand sensing and predicting future behavior are crucial activities that directly influence sales, required inventory levels and customer service, M A Y / J U N E 2 014 | 35