Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 23

Register Now & Save! Early registration deadline is May 23rd. INFORMSCONFERENCE BIG DATA THE BUSINESS OF Best Practices from Experienced Companies Analytics Media Group | Aster Data | Bell Labs | Booz Allen Hamilton | Chevron | Dell | IBM | Intel | JP Morgan Chase | Kaiser Permanente | June 22-24 2014 San Jose, California Mayo Clinic | Merck | Opower | SAIC | SAS | UPS | Tutorials, Case Studies Spanning These Topics • Big data 101: how to navigate the big data ecosystem • Lessons-learned on real-world implementations • Building and managing data science teams • From scoping the problem to advanced analytics, visualization and supporting the decision process • Identifying, storing, searching, cleaning the data you have Keynote Speaker Bill Franks Chief Analytics Officer Teradata Corporation Putting Big Data to Work • Gaining insight from new data sources • Selecting the right big data technology • Ethics and privacy requirements • Emerging technologies and trends meetings. Conference Co-Chairs: Margery H. Connor Diego Klabjan Chevron Corporation Northwestern University