Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 15

Make optimized decisions. Even if your data is incomplete. Robust optimization at both the solver and modeling level. Now part of FICO® Xpress Optimization Suite. Missing data and the challenges of harnessing Big Data have introduced a lot of uncertainty into the process of solving complex optimization problems. FICO has solved that problem. We’ve enhanced FICO® Xpress Optimization Suite with features to handle the difficulty of uncertainty introduced by predictive analytics data. This robust optimization guarantees feasible solutions in the face of unknowns. Still not feeling certain? Visit FICO at the 2014 INFORMS Conference: The Business of Big Data, June 22-24 in San Jose, CA and learn how robust optimization handles your missing data challenges. Learn more about the Xpress Optimization Suite: © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. All rights reserved.