Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, March/April 2014 | Page 63

maximize the potential impact of implemented solutions. O.R. DRIVES TRANSFORMATION The R&D operations research team recently received two “teamGM Transformer” Awards for developing business tools that use “big data” and analytics to improve decision-making. This is an internal award that rewards employees who are leading change across the company by finding significant and innovative ways to drive GM business priorities. One of the O.R. team’s Transformer Awards recognized new analytic tools to support GM’s Product Development activity. These include a range of tools that help guide engineering decisions to reduce complexity in the vehicle and powertrain, apply market research to vehicle attribute balancing and optimize portfolio planning in light of greenhouse gas performance objectives. The other award was for development of a new approach To find an expert to help you, log onto INFORMS Find An Analytics Consultant Database INFORMS is the foremost association of O.R. and analytics experts. Our members literally wrote the book on how analytics and the principles of operations research are used to improve organizational decision making. A NA L Y T I C S M A R C H / A P R I L 2 014 | 63