Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, March/April 2014 | Page 62

CO RPO RATE P RO F I LE This long-term effort is just one example that demonstrates how GM has applied operations research (O.R.) methods to change the way it leverages O.R. and advanced analytics on a continuing basis. The importance of activities like this in a company the size of GM cannot be fully measured. For plant throughput alone, the savings are estimated at more than $2 billion over the past two decades. But just as important as the economic benefits is the mindset – the scientific approach to problem-solving, decision-making, scheming the business, and identifying new opportunities. O.R. AT GM TODAY Given the success of the work described above, the R&D operations research team broadened its mission about five years ago and today provides a research capability within the company focused on tackling long-term strategic challenges. With the wide-ranging scope of potential assignments, the O.R. team is composed of Ph.D. and master’s-level technical experts, along with subjectmatter experts with hands-on and executive leadership experience in key areas of the business, such as manufacturing, supply chain, engineering, quality, planning, marketing, and research and development. 62 | A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G Projects are aligned with top company priorities, which are based on a combination of business performance drivers and senior leadership input. The work may start with targeted questions, e.g., what’s the opportunity of (fill in the blank), or it can focus on improving operational effectiveness through process improvements in areas such as manufacturing productivity, capital or supply chain management, or dealer inventory management. Many opportunities to improve revenue management exist through the application of tools and systems that help decision-makers optimize portfolio planning, reduce complexity, target incentives, or optimize content and packaging. In addition, given the large new data streams coming from the intelligence available in today’s vehicles, new emphasis is being put on improving vehicle efficiency, quality and diagnostics, as well as more deeply understanding customers so GM can provide differentiated value through new automotive products and services. The team’s implementation model comprises a mix of: • analysis by internal consultants to understand the issue, • capability development, including analytical principles, math models and tools, and • partnering with stakeholders and decision-makers early to scope and W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G