Will data, analytics and computers replace physicians?
Probably not, but they can help improve healthcare by
augmenting human capabilities.
healthcare like never before – what Khosla is actually predicting is that healthcare
in the future will essentially become a data
game! Data is the new drug!
In theory, the more data available, the
more precise the diagnosis, and the efficacy
of the treatment will also improve, which, in
Khosla’s words, is far less complex than the
problem of autonomous driving. With the
deluge of data coming from multiple sources, such as wearable and ambient sensors,
gene sequencing and digitized encounters,
diagnosing a problem in the human body
will become a matter of pattern recognition.
There could be billions of possibilities, but
searching a large set of possibilities with sophisticated algorithms, image processing,
machine learning and artificial intelligence is
what machines do well. Machines are doing
it now and in real time!
Humans create algorithms tapping into
their o ݸ