AnAlytic Solver PlAtform
visualize, Analyze, Decide with Power Bi + Premium Solver
Before your company spends a year and a small fortune
on “advanced analytics”, shouldn’t you find out what
your people can do with the latest enhancements to
the tool they already know – Microsoft Excel – in
business intelligence and advanced analytics today?
Did you know that with Power Pivot in Excel 2013 and
2010, your Excel desktop can easily analyze 100 million
row datasets, with the power of Microsoft’s SQL Server
Analysis Services xVelocity engine inside Excel?
Did you know that with Power Query in Excel, you can
extract, transform and load (ETL) data from virtually any
enterprise or cloud database with point-and-click ease?
Did you know that with Analytic Solver Platform in
Excel, you can create powerful data mining, forecasting
and predictive analytics models, rivaling the best-known
statistical packages, again with point-and-click ease?