Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, July/August 2014 | Page 44

THE DATA E C O N OMY Why do so many analytics projects fail? Key considerations for deep analytics on big data, learning and insights. BY (l-r) HALUK DEMIRKAN AND BULENT DAL W hat is big data? Big data, which means many things to many people, is not a new technological fad. In addition to providing innovative solutions and operational insights to enduring challenges and opportunities, big data with deep analytics instigate new ways to transform processes, organizations, entire industries and even society. Pushing the boundaries of deep data analytics uncovers new insights 44 | A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G and opportunities, and “big” depends on where you start and h ow you proceed. Big data is not just “big.” The exponentially growing volume of data is only one of many characteristics that are often associated with big data, such as variety, velocity, veracity and others (the six Vs; see box). According to Gartner Research, the worldwide market for analytics will remain the top focus for CIOs through 2017 [1]. According to research [2], W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G