Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, July/August 2014 | Page 43

Figure 4: Sentiment analysis. CLOSING THOUGHTS Trending topics represent the popular “topics of conversation,” and when detected in real time, these hot topics are the social pulses that are usually ahead of any standard news media. Data analyzed via managed data centers can provide key insights into the evolving nature and patterns of social information and opinion and the general sentiment prevailing over such subjects. Aveek Mukhopadhyay is an associate manager at Mu Sigma where he works with the Innovation & Development Team with a core focus on driving the adoption of advanced analytical platforms and techniques both internally and externally. He has interests in the fields of text mining, machine learning and analytics automation. Roger Barga, Ph.D., is group program manager for the CloudML team at Microsoft Corporation where his team is building machine learning as A NA L Y T I C S a service in the cloud. Barga is also a lecturer in the Data Science program at the University of Washington. He joined Microsoft in 1997 as a researcher in the Database Group of Microsoft Research (MSR), where he was involved in a number of systems research projects and product incubation efforts, before joining the Cloud and Enterprise Division of Microsoft in 2011. NOTES & REFERENCES 1. The Economist (Feb. 25, 2010), “The Data Deluge” ( 2. David M. Blei, “Probabilistic Topic Models,” Communications of the ACM, April 2012, Vol. 55, No. 4 ( pdf). 3. Xiaowen Ding, Bing Liu and Philip S. Yu, “A Holistic Lexicon-Based Approach to Opinion Mining” ( Help Promote Analytics Magazine It’s fast and it’s easy! Visit: J U LY / A U G U S T 2 014 | 43