When a system enjoys
large market share
both among patients and
providers and the system
connects with the largest
EMR company in
the country, we can expect
seamless bi-directional
data flow to reach
critical mass.
will go for that since it is an unknown territory for
both companies. Having spent a decade in the
medical device industry I know first hand the pain
points of the manufacturers when their products
come under FDA’s purview.
Apple is also partnering with Epic Systems,
the giant electronic medical record (EMR)
company that controls close to 20 percent of the
enterprise EMR market and covers 51 percent
of the patients in the United States. This is a
smart move by Apple. The ability to send usergenerated data to a healthcare professional’s
EMR system has always been a key requirement
for providers. This “end-to-end” data channel
establishes continuum of care, which acts as
the building block for analytics-driven population
health management (PHM) initiatives.
Since the introduction of the iPhone, Apple
products have enjoyed a widespread adoption
among healthcare professionals. A 2013 study by
the Black Book Rankings found that among physicians who use medical apps on their smartphones,
68 percent used iPhones while 31 percent used
Android devices. Also, 59 percent of physicians accessed apps from their tablet, and most of those
users prefer iPad. Among U.S. consumers, Apple
has lost some ground recently to its key competitor,
Google Android, but still commands a large consumer following.
When a system enjoys large market share
both among patients and providers and the system connects with the largest EMR company in
A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G
W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G