Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, July/August 2014 | Page 20

ANALY ZE T H I S ! “Nobody in history has ever had the opportunity to innovate, or been faced with the risks of unintended consequences, that big data now provides.” — Kord Davis 20 | topics as diverse as digital strategy, supply chain optimization, application development and values-based management. As such, he has a unique perspective that motivates him to take these important – and very thorny – questions seriously. As he writes in the book’s Preface, “nobody in history has ever had the opportunity to innovate, or been faced with the risks of unintended consequences, that big data now provides.” In particular, Davis identifies four major aspects of any serious data ethics discussion: • Identity: In the digital world, who we are is tacitly defined by the data we leave behind and indeed our own sense of self is often tightly intertwined with our online activities. Davis points out that capturing and analyzing our digital trail “provides others the ability to quite easily summarize, aggregate or correlate various aspects of our identity – without our participation or consent.” • Privacy: Does your decision to engage in a digital interaction confer upon other entities the right to utilize data captured in the course of that specific interaction, and to link it to other sources of data that may correspond to you? As Davis asks, “Does privacy mean the same thing in both online and offline worlds?… should individuals have a legitimate ability to control data about themselves, and to what degree?” A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G