Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, July/August 2014 | Page 19

In fact, book distribution has from the outset been only a small part of Bezos’ vision. The real prize for Bezos has been the access to reams of consumer data and the ability to analyze this data for fun and profit. According to Packer, as early as 1995, Bezos had publicly stated that “Amazon intended to sell books as a way of gathering data on affluent, educated shoppers.” Indeed, today the $5.25 billion in book sales makes up only 7 percent of Amazon’s total revenues. This too is just as Lanier predicts in “WOTF,” which may be why it was somehow not available directly from when I looked for it the other day (it has since been restored somehow). One book that I was able to find on was “Ethics of Big Data,” in which author Kord Davis asks a number of more fundamental questions about data and its place in the business world. As a longtime software/IT professional with a deep grounding in philosophy and the history of technology, Davis is equally comfortable discussing To find an expert to help you, log onto INFORMS Find An Analytics Consultant Database INFORMS is the foremost association of O.R. and analytics experts. Our members literally wrote the book on how analytics and the principles of operations research are used to improve organizational decision making. A NA L Y T I C S J U LY / A U G U S T 2 014 | 19