AMZ One Step How_to_sell_on_Amazon_in_2019_(FBA_Private_Label) | Page 7

How to sell on Amazon in 2019 ( FBA Private Label ) - AMZ One Step
6 . Listing Quality : When listing is done with a smart combination of keywords , the chances of the product appearing at the top results becomes higher . And if someone is making money despite a terrible listing of the product , it means the product has some other quality that attracts customers .
You can exploit this by making your product appear visually appealing to the customers . It can easily be achieved with the use of some good photography tricks . Follow AMZ One Step ’ s portfolio on listing optimization , where you ’ ll find great methods to improve your product ’ s presentation and ranking .
7 . Sales : Coming back to the importance of figures in the business world , time also plays an important role in labeling a product . The progress of a product is measured by the passage of time , and keeping an eye on the time frame of the sales history is very necessary . If a product has gained good sales in a time period of 60 days , the it is safe for you pursue it . But anything less than 60 days is nothing but deception .
8 . Revenue : Keeping the figures of at least 60 days in mind , check how much revenue other sellers are generating . It becomes a strong factor in analysing the popularity and consistency of the product . Do not rely on any data below 60 days .
9 . It is “ Who is Selling ” that matters : The dominance of Amazon sellers over third party sellers is high . So you must keep in mind that your target product is not sold by Amazon , because then it can become too competitive for you .
And if the product is sold by FBA sellers , then it is a green light for you . And if you see a lot of FBM ( Fulfillment by Merchant ) sellers , then you should confirm the FBA eligibility first before proceeding with it .
10 . PPC Cost : It is smart to go through the pay-per-click costs before doing the sourcing , as discovered by Steven Mayers . This cool hack will tell you if the product is going to be competitive in the near future or not . That way , you ’ ll figure out whether to go after the product , depending on the prediction of its popularity . If Amazon recommends you a high bidding cost per click , then it means that a lot of sellers are bidding on those keywords . And that is how you can do the smart work in your product selection phase !
11 . Product Weight : While you ’ re aiming at making profit from your sales , it is better to know the weight of your product before its launching . This will help you analyse shipping estimates and FBA costs . If that is figured out , you will save yourself from the trouble of losing extra money due to the product weight . And if the numbers look good , there is no harm in going for heavy products .