AMRAPAALI August 2014 | Page 7

WORDS 7 Belize UNCOVERED! By SYEDA RUBAINA WASI Restructuring of the past through the finds from these archaeological sites will probably unfold stories about the Mayan civilization hidden deep somewhere, only to help us Contents have a better humanistic approach to our past, and rediscover from those lost ages BELIZE ANTI gone by. LOOTING POSTER The future has unknown revelations yet to be uncovered but the past has been the backbone of the survival and existence of the fittest. Hence, it is only fair that we put in efforts to learn and unlearn from era’s Photo courtesy: untold. The HELLO KITTY Mania Hello Kitty, the feline turns 40! And with the months and years pass by, she is growing more powerful and richer. The Hello Kitty mania has not only conquered the kids, we being adults too falls prey for the cuteness and adorable style she worthfully displays. She commendably dominated her existence from Japan to Singapore to Marrakech to Honolulu and in fact, the world of this world. Hello Kitty was originally drawn by designer Yuko Shimi