All Eyes On...
Lisa: I love country music as well
and I can definitely hear influences
of country in songs like “Separate”
and “All I Need” on your album. As
you know, I love “Pieces of Me”,
but what would you say has been
the overall feedback of the album?
Clinton: The feedback has been
overwhelming, actually. And what’s
interesting is I’m finding that men
are loving the album, too. Of course,
the ladies love it, but I have had
guys say to me, “You said exactly
what I was feeling [with this song].
I didn’t really know how to say it, so
I just played your song for my girl”;
you know, things like that. It’s been
great because again, my motivation
with this album was to create music
that moves people.
Lisa: And I feel you have done
just that! Like all true artists and
musicians, I feel with your “Pieces
of Me” album that you’ve given us
listeners 12 timeless tracks.
Wow! You just used
my favorite word when it comes
to music... “timeless!” I think that
an artists’ ability to create music
that will long out live them is the
true definition of a music ‘great!’ A
really great song should not only be
popular at the time of its release,
but it should be one that withstands
the test of time. Like, when people
hear the first few chords of an Anita
Baker or Frankie Beverly song,
they immediately know the song,
and can still sing every word of it.
I feel that an artist can only make
timeless music if the song is coming
from a sincere place. For me, I
can only write and perform songs
that speak to experiences that
I’ve had; my feelings on love and
relationships, etc. I mean, for me,
my music has to be personal and
sincere. It’s that genuity that makes
for music that is timeless.
Lisa: I could not agree with you
more! I know that you have been a
part of BET’s Music Matters and
that you’ve worked with everyone
from Tank and Tyrese to Hunter
Hayes and Tyrone Wells, among
many others. Is there anyone who
you have not yet worked with that
you would like to someday?
Clinton: Everybody! I love so many
genres of music and I feel like every
artist has their “something different”
to bring to a song. So yes, I’m open
to working with everyone. (Laughs).
Lisa: Cool! Okay now, I want to
name a few of the songs from your
“Pieces of Me” album and I’d like
you to tell me the first thing that
comes to mind.
Clinton: Okay...
Lisa: The first song is, “Seperate”...
Clinton: Reality.
Lisa: “Reason for Breathing”...
Clinton: Love. Like, the kind of love
that is so real it impacts you like
nothing else.
Lisa: Okay, and lastly, “Made to
Love You”...
Clinton: My grandmother. She [my
grandmother] also sings and she
plays the piano. And that song just
reminds me of the kind of song I can
imagine her playing and singing to.
Lisa: Can you talk to me about what
its been like for you releasing your
album via an indie label? Any pros
and cons?
Clinton: It’s certainly been hard
and it requires the commitment
of a team of people who truly
believe in you and your music.
It’s sad that now artists need a
gimic here in the States to get the
kind of recognition they should
recieve for simply being good
at what they do. For instance,
we sold far more copies of my
single, “Reason for Breathing”
overseas than we did here in the
States. Elsewhere, people are
just hungry for good music. So
yes, it’s been a lot of work, but
it’s been well worth it. I’m happy
with the album, and I think that
those who buy it will love it, too.
Lisa: I am sure that anyone
who buys “Pieces of Me” will
enjoy it as much as I have.
Clinton, as I see it, you are on
the cusp of superstardom and I
want to be the first to say to you,
congratulations on everything
that you have going on now, and
for all that I am sure is to come...
Clinton: Thank you so much! •
Download the new album, “Pieces of Me”
on iTunes now. And to learn more about
Clinton Babers visit his website at www. and follow him on
Twitter @cbabers