AMINO AMSA-Indonesia EAMSC 2017 | Page 27

Figure 3 . Red Cicle : The bond between allicin and Tubulin β-chain protein P . falciparum From the picture above , we can see clearly that Allicin can bind to P . falciparum Tubulin β-chain protein protein so that it may influence the protein . Seen from its sequences , allicin has to bind with the active site of protein . The active sites of protein which bonded with allicin are Alanin 206 . We can see the bonds molecularly from the picture above .
Figure 3 . Molecular Analysis of The Bonds between Allicin and Tubulin β-chain protein Protein P . falciparum
Seen from the Figure above , Allicin binds to Alanin 206 active site through Alkyl bond . The alkyl group has strong bonding with molecule because it releases electrons to carbon , bearing positive charge and thus stabilizes the ion . Increasing the number of bonds adjacent to the carbocation by increasing the number of alkyl groups attached to the carbocation carbon results in an increase in carbocation stability . ( Young , 2011 ). As a result of inhibiting Plasmodium falciparum microtubule sequence ( Tubulin β-chain protein ) , Allicin will prevent the formation of microtubule thread spindle and inhibit the cell proliferation in Plasmodium falciparum .
3.2 Research Findings
The initial search that was conducted yielded a total of 46 trials . After reading the titles , 40 results were excluded as they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria , and a further 2 trials were excluded after reading the abstract . From the resulting 4 texts , 1 did not have a full available article . Thus , a total of 3 resulting trials were used . This information can be seen in the flow chart below :
Initial Search n = n = 46 46
Trial For Which Title were read n = 46 46
Trial For Which Abstract Abstract were readwere n = 6 read n = 6
Trial For Which Full Paper were read n = 4
Trial Excluded after reading the title n = 40
Trial Excluded after reading the Abstract n = 2
Trial Included in This Review n = 3