AMF AFM - Instructions for use | Page 29

Annex 1: Some Key Applications for AFM® Wastewater Municipal • Municipal wastewater Water source Tertiary treatment after activated sludge, solids load to be reduced to <100mg/l prior to AFM®. Advantages • • • • Wastewater Process water • Textiles • Leather • Oil in water • Food washing Clean water Single pass • Drinking water o Ground water o Surface water • Process feed water • Drinks industries • Food processing • Pharmaceuticals • Hospitals • Electronics, • Boiler feed Clean water Marine and brackish water • Drinking water • Drinks industry Clean water Recycling or multi-pass • • • • • • Swimming pools Aquaculture Aquaria Fountains Water features Cooling towers Dryden Aqua Ltd Butlerfield-Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh EH19 3JQ Scotland The wastewater will be from a variety of sources. AFM® is usually used as part of the water treatment process. Ground water Surface water Municipal drinking water supplies Ultra-pure water, pre- treatment. Water from a variety of sources Seawater, brackish water or ground water with a high TDS. Water supply for reverse osmosis Recycled water around a process. This is one of the main applications for AFM® with over 100,000 systems currently running in Europe. Cooling tower applications are becoming of increasing importance, especially to reduce cost and Legionella aerosol risk from the towers Will more easily comply with discharge legislation Product water of a higher quality more suitable for second use applications No chlorine or less required when the water is used for class 1 irrigation Return in capital from revenue is always under 2 years and often under 1 year. Textiles. AFM® applied after the fluidised bed biofiltration. Advanced coagulation and flocculation systems have been developed and optimised for AFM® to remove the dyes and facilitate recirculation of the water. Leather. The industry generation a hexavalent chromium wastewater, with pre-reduction of the water and conversion of Cr5+ to Cr3+ gives good performance with AFM® Oil in water. AFM® can filter oil in water up to 100mg/l and remove >99% of the oil in a sustainable manner. Higher concentrations require an alginate flocculent. Permits AFM® to be used up to 2000mg/l and achieve >99% removal. AFM® offers a continuous and sustainable solution for the removal of metals and metalloids, such as ferric, manganese and arsenic to a concentration in accordance to the European directive and WHO Will remove 50% more sub 5 micron solids from the water. No subject to biofouling and transient wormhole channelling. High security against the passage of copepods, oocysts and other parasites. Perfect for removing cyanobacteria, diatoms and most freshwater phytoplankton as well as zooplankton without any blockage issues. AFM® is used to treat municipal water prior to use in Hospitals, and food industries to minimise the risk from Pseudomonas. Already used in hospitals in the UK and Asia. Example, Belfast maternity hospital when tragically several babies succumbed from Pseudomonas, problem solved with AFM® Ultra-pure water treatment usually involves a 3-stage process. 1. Sand filtration, 2. Carbon filtration, 3. one micron cartridge filtration. AFM® can replace all three stages as a single one-pass stage prior to the reverse osmosis membranes. Water flow is usually under 10m/hr velocity One of the problems with membrane filtration is fouling from the coagulants and flocculants. The use of grade 0 AFM® gives a very high performance and negates the need to use chemicals. If coagulants and flocculants are used, then grade 1 AFM® is applied. AFM® does not coagulate, or allow channelling so as long as the chemicals are dosed properly in accordance to turbidity they will never reach the membranes. System performance is superior to UF because AFM® grade 1 with controlled flocculation will give nominal filtration better than 0.1 microns and will remove chemicals from solution such as soluble reactive silica, phosphate and dissolved organics that would otherwise foul the membranes Swimming pools, water features fountains and marine mammal systems can use AFM® as part of the DAISY system (Dryden Aqua Integrated System). DAISY provides the ultimate in water treatment with a visibility through the water in excess of 25m and turbidity usually less than 0.05NTU. Aquaculture and Aquaria require the best possible water quality. AFM® provides at least double the performance of sand and reduces the viral parasitic and bacterial risk Cooling towers, AFM® provides a much better quality and reduces the nutrient load and bacterial cell biomass as measure by ATP in the circuit. The result is reduced cost, reduced corrosion and lower risk from Legionella. Page 29 of 44 Application