America's Table: A Thanksgiving Reader | Page 5

Welcome !

We join together as a Community of Conscience , people dedicated to building a world based on love , rooted in understanding the unique value that each one of us brings to the table of our nation .
Take a breath . Be in the moment . Make this Thanksgiving dinner a sacred time .
Unity Prayer
Rabbi Noam E . Marans , AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations
God , Creator of all , we pray for an America of the people , by the people , for the people , in all its religious , racial , and ethnic diversity , coming together in unity .
Our struggles to be free , inspired by the Exodus — at Plymouth Rock , toward Independence , for Civil Rights and enfranchisement — continue to inspire us .
We are heirs of many proud traditions that have known oppression and labored for liberation . We will not desist until all are redeemed .
Our religious traditions call upon us to emulate our God as healer , love our neighbor , do unto others as you would have them do unto you , and strive together towards good works .
At a time when hate is rising , we commit to modeling love .
When racism and antisemitism rear their ugly heads , we will show the better way , how light overcomes darkness and justice defeats evil .