America's Table: A Thanksgiving Reader | Page 4


As we sat at our Thanksgiving tables one year ago , none of us could have imagined what the coming year would bring . This year , as we gather — whether virtually or in person — to celebrate community and give thanks for our blessings , we invite you to make use of this annual edition of America ’ s Table to reflect on the life of our nation .
The first edition of America ’ s Table was produced at another fraught time in our nation ’ s history — shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11 , 2001 . Its verses invited all Americans to grieve the loss of innocent lives , express empathy with the families and friends who ache for them , but also celebrate our unity in diversity as a nation created by immigrants of all faiths searching for a better life .
Now , 19 years after our first America ’ s Table , we return to the table , wounded and weary from a global pandemic and reckoning with polarization , tumult , fear , and rising bigotry . But we also return to the table grateful — grateful for the gift of life , grateful for the blessing of each other , and grateful for the democracy and freedoms our nation bestows on its citizens , even as we work to perfect those freedoms .
We hope that , by reading America ’ s Table , you will find new meaning in this much loved and unifying holiday of Thanksgiving because , yes , we are all Americans and part of the rich tapestry of this land .
— AJC CEO David Harris