American Red Cross Northern Minnesota Region - Annual Report FY12 July 2011-June 2012 | Page 6

Serving the Military, Their Families and Veterans Our Red Cross region gives support to active-duty military members, National Guard called ‘Get to Know Us Before You Need Us,’ and connect families with needed resources when their loved ones are deployed. Deployed service members also count on us to deliver emergency messages, such as communications, which help commanders decide when to grant leave. We also provide support for the sick and wounded at military and veterans hospitals and assistance in During FY12, we • Briefed 4,899 families through the ‘Get to Know Us Before You Need Us’ program • Provided 3,341 services to military members, veterans and families, including emergency communications The Huebner Family Something meaningful like a blood donation is a gift that doesn’t cost a thing but can give hope to patients in need - something the was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and required many blood transfusions during his treatment. His wife Heather received blood when their twin daughters were delivered by c-section and the premature babies both needed transfusions while in the ICU. “We know how crucially important it is to have blood available when a loved one needs it,” says Heather. “We encourage our family, friends and all eligible donors to take the time to pay it forward because our family is living proof that blood saves lives.” Blood—Making Sure It’s Available We supported the efforts of the American Red Cross North Central Blood Services Region, which processes, tests and safeguards blood collected from donors in communities throughout Minnesota, western Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota, and distributes nearly 240,000 units of lifesaving blood to 106 hospitals. The need is constant – every day in our country, approximately 44,000 units of blood are required in hospitals and emergency treatment facilities for patients with cancer and other diseases, for organ transplant recipients and to help save the lives of accident victims.