American Red Cross Northern Minnesota Region - Annual Report FY12 July 2011-June 2012 | Page 5

Down the Street House Fires to Tornadoes We’re ready to respond to disaster 7 days a week, 365 days a year in our community, providing shelter, food, clothing and emotional support at no cost to those in need. The Northern Minnesota Region is part of a nationwide network of Red Cross regions that work together to respond to large-scale relief efforts. Home ?res are the most common disaster to which the Red Cross responds. On average, we respond to more than a disaster a day in our region - many of these home ?res. Although these ?res don’t typically make the news as tornadoes or other large-scale events do, they are devastating for those who have suddenly lost their homes, possessions and sense of security. In ?scal year 2012, the Northern Minnesota Region assisted more than 2, 000 community members affected by ?res and other local disasters. Preparing for the Unexpected The Northern Minnesota Region teaches families, organizations and corporations how to be prepared for emergencies through free educational presentations. Last year more than 290,000 people learned the skills necessary to prepare their families, neighborhoods and businesses for future disasters. Red Cross disaster relief workers distribute clean up supplies in ?ood damaged Willow River during the Northland ?ooding response. Every year, the Northern Minnesota Region teaches people the lifesaving skills they need to protect themselves and their families, including ?rst aid, CPR and water safety. We offer these trainings in multiple ways: online training, traditional classroom settings and full-service courses where we bring the training to your workpla ????????????????)1????????????????????????????????????????????I??? ??????????+??????????????????????????????????? AH?+???????????????????????????????????????+??????????????????????????????????????????????????((?((