Swanky: Recently you may have heard of how Vicksburg, Mississipi had been surrendered by John C. Pemberton. The almighty union finally overcame the "ford tough" confederacy militia. General Grant is now maybe the most praised and popular man in the Union. Here with me today is a man who has faced setbacks and losses against the Union but is still very highly respected Confederate lieutenant General John C. Pemberton. Ladies and Gentleman John C. Pemberton!!
Swanky: Wassup man? How ya Feeling?
Pemberton: I'm blessed man that's all I can say. Trying times right now treading waters.
Swanky: I feel you man it's hard out here. But the good thing is you're alive and you're healthy so all you can do is thank god.
Pemberton: Amen to that my g amen to that
Swanky: Now last time we saw each other was a little bit before the war when the confederacy were just preparing to initiate war how's it been since man?
Pemberton: Uhh its been stressful as you can probably tell man im getting a couple of grays in my head. We're putting up a good fight to continue our plan of keeping slavery apart of this great nation.
Swanky: I feel ya big dog thats wassup. Now me and you have had some respectful debates over that issue and how we feel, and we still remain very close friends despite our differences.
Pemberton: Yea man no holds barred when it comes to our conversations man.
Swanky: So man right now I'm very appreciative of this interview man you took time out of your busy schedule to come kick it with ya boy and answer a few questions so thank you my brother.
Pemberton: No problem man anything for the big homie.
Swanky : Now man whats been up in the war ?
Pemberton: Ahh you know the usual kill the Union, protect our turf.
Swanky: Now the biggest news going around everywhere Union and Confederacy is how you as the leader of the confederacy were sieged by General Grant and those boys in Vicksburg. Tell us about that?
Pemberton: Ahh man me and my squad the rally boys you know we setup shop down in Vicksburg, Mississpi. See this is how it happened in May and June Ulysses or yall folks may know him as Major General Ulysses S. Grant. armies converged on Vicksburg, investing the city and entrapping me and my boys. After conducting a surprise landing below Vicksburg at Bruinsburg, Mississippi, Grant’s forces moved rapidly inland, pushing back the threat posed by Joseph E. Johnston’s forces near Jackson. Once his rear was clear, Grant again turned his sights on Vicksburg. My forces were kind of weak due to previous losses at Champion Hill. So we really had no choice but to retreat to Vicksburg it was our last resort. Grant was like a man on a mission we killed a good number of his boys, but he just wanted it more than we did. As you may know already we held it up for about 47 days, but they just overcame us.
Swanky: Interesting Interesting man, so do you think there was anything else you couldve done.
Pemberton: What do you mean
Swanky: Like do you think you couldve avoided this loss because it seems that now the Union has control of the war and victory is insight.
Pemberton: Do you have the answers? Do you have the answers? I dont think you do Swanky. You dont have the answers man so its not nothing you can really tell me man.
Swanky: Well no. I'm asking you the question to get the answers now chill man!
Pemberton: nah man dont talk to me about the war no more. Matter a fact dont continue this interview man im done!!!
Swanky: Wait John man where you going? This Inteview is not over!!
*Pemberton storms out of interview destroying this on his way out.*
Producer- The interview has come to an end due to difficulties.
John Pemberton Interview with swanky