Joyce Pinchback-Schofield
Talk Fusion
Joyce Pinchback-Schofield a Independent Associate with Talk Fusion. I joined
Talk Fusion in 2014. I was introduced by a good friend that I have known for
almost 30 years. So, how I got started in this business, I was sitting at home
one morning after having been involved in a car accident, with a broken foot,
I could not drive or do much of anything besides just sitting and at this point
I had been home for about a month not doing anything, very few visitors and
was bored and completely in my feelings . And this one particular day while
I was sitting at my home in my office, and something just hit me and I said to
myself you know Joyce it’s about time you do something different. So I started
surfing the Internet just looking for something I could do from home and and I
remembered a good friend had sent me some information on a business.
1. Spiritually I pray daily and I thank
God for my family and friend. And
allowing me to get to the position that I
am now.
2. I stay healthy mentally by
eliminating the daily stress through
prayer and giving my worries to God. I
let Him work it out because everything
is in his hands anyway.
With Talk Fusion you have Instant Pay, Video Emails, Video Newsletter, Live
Meetings, Video Chat, Community Blog, Lead Capture and much more. Back
in 2014 I called my good friend who had been sending me emails about a
company called Talk Fusion, so I called him up and I inquired and asked
him to tell me more about the company and how you make money etc, I just
wanted to know more, more about so he sent to me videos and after viewing
the videos I called him up and he gave me more and more information and
when he said “ Instant Pay” you get paid within 3 minute from anywhere in
the World I immediately scheduled a presentation at my home with my family
and friend and I said .. I can