Amazing Women Speak! February 2014 | Page 9

a stroke just as I left, changed the woman who I am today emotionally and spiritually and I knew then and now that God will never ever forsake me.” As we live life, we are all faced with challenges, which are designed to teach us some important lessons. When we miss the lessons, we are doomed to repeat the challenges until finally one day we see the light and are pulled from darkness. It’s important to pay close attention to the messages and lessons, for in them is where we learn what’s needed, where we find our strength, support and faith. It’s all part of the master plan. Anything that hurts us can teach us something. If it keeps hurting, that means we haven’t learned the lesson. Bakhwi saw the light and learned some very powerful lessons. She learned the lesson of unconditional love, taught to her by her children. They showed their unconditional love for her; with or without the disability, they proved she is the same mother she was yesterday as she is today and they love and cherish her the same. She also learned that is was those closest to her that would walk with her and help her to overcome the challenges. It was her children and family that stuck by her through the painful times of abuse. They helped her through all the mental and physical challenges of being paralyzed by stroke. Bakhwi learned that what we deem as a struggle can change your life and increase your spiritual awareness and faith. She has gained the ability to stand up for what she believes and to have hope and faith in all she does. After all, it is hope and faith that allows us to keep walking through the valley of darkness, when we can’t see the enemy lurking, feeling confident and sure that we will come out on the other side victorious. Contrary to what society displays, Bakhwi has learned that real beauty comes from within and real men are attracted to real beauty as proven by the man she intends to marry this year. A man who loves her for who she is, despite of and because of her history and her ‘disability’. She has learned that real men don’t abuse women and advises any woman in an abusive relationship to get out as quickly as possible. “It won’t get better, it will only get worse!” gifts to influence and impact the lives of others. She hopes that women look at her and are inspired to support one another so we can overcome life’s challenges together. She hopes men look at her and understand that women are their backbones and should be treated with love and respect at all times. She has become an advocate for abuse and stroke survivors and provides a wealth of knowledge on prevention through her Botswana Stroke Campaign and Touch a Life Wazha Centre in Ramotswa Village. She travels Botswana to speak to women about abuse and educate people about stroke, which is the #2 killer in her country. She is an entrepreneur; successfully managing two daycare centers and lives with her two daughters, ages 17 and 13. Although she still experiences physical pain, she never stops striving to be the best she can be. She realizes the pain and disability are reminders of what she has overcome – beauty marks if you will, of an incredible journey to freedom. Through her journey, Bakhwi learned just how powerful and special she truly is. How she was given this incredible gift and the importance of sharing that gift with the world. “My life now is just worshiping God. It keeps me happy, hopeful, and just relaxed. I’m nothing without worshiping God without him I’m nothing.” She now uses her talents and Written by Crystal Gunn AMAZING WOMEN SPEAK! 9