Amazing Women Speak! February 2014 | Page 8

Amazing Woman Spotlight - Bakhwi Kablay s we navigate through life, we experience joyous occasions, happiness and once in a lifetime events. This is the amazing side of life. The side we try to remember and hold on to. The images we add to the photo albums and keepsake boxes. A There is however, another side to life. The side where we experience obstacles, hurdles and challenges which while in the midst of them, we can’t quite think straight nor understand their significance. We want these things resolved and tackled, never to bother us again. We can’t see how we can make it through or IF we can make it through. We lack faith, courage and belief and we think giving up is our only option. Throwing in the towel; wouldn’t that be easier than fighting for survival? Bakhwi Kablay gave up and threw in the towel. After 17 years of physical, emotional and financial abuse plus being wheelchair bound due to stroke, she didn’t believe she could make it through. She had no more fight in her; it was too much for her to carry. She gave up, threw in the towel and waited for death. For her, 8 AMAZING WOMEN SPEAK! DEATH seemed like the best and final option. But Bakhwi didn’t die. The Creator had a different plan for her. A plan that helped her become stronger and bolder. A plan that helped her become wiser A plan that proved she wasn’t alone. A plan that drew her closer to God. Isn’t that just like God, to send you on a journey to get you where you need to be; where He believes you should be? A journey sprinkled, or if needed, doused with pain and dar