It is important for the conscious Mother to prepare the
birthing space with clear intention.
She must keep her channels clear as she opens the vortex
of the birthing field - where she will journey with a myriad of
labouring mothers around the world.
In this context, Mother is a Gateway and a Bridge not only
for the child, but also for herself, to have direct access to
the wisdom that permeates the birthing field.
‘Seed’ by Chanel Baran
Bridges are transitions into new places and experiences that garner
environmental signals that we can translate and then use to create context of
where we are heading- even if we don’t know.
We build bridges to create strong pathways of connection from
one plane to the next. By creating solid foundations to cross over, we
begin to develop a vocabulary between different worlds and a new lens to
perceive our current reality through.
We can use these bridges to dialogue with the unconscious and bring back new
maps from foreign realms. Similar to a threshold, the bridge carries us across
unchartered territory, with enough time to transition into, absorb and
assimilate the new environment.
As we incubate within the mother’s womb, we are constantly being fed
sensory information about the external environment through sound, light, and
her emotions, even her thoughts can leave an imprint on us.
This is called the “Limbic Imprint”, and provides our blueprint or reference
points for how we perceive and experience Love, which is compounded by
the process of our birth and those first precious moments outside the womb.
The Umbilical Cord also serves as a bridge exchanging oxygen and nutrients
to the growing foetus in the aquatic realms and creating dialogue between the
growing child and mother. How amazing is it that a child with its own DNA and blood
type can be grown inside of a Mother with different DNA and blood type!
Just as Mother serves as a bridge to her child, so too does child to the Maiden
archetype, embarking on the sacred journey into Motherhood for the first time.
With all births, breath becomes the key to the gateway that birth
opens and is an anchor to which the inter-dimensional bridge is