Conscious bEARTH
Mother… A Sacred Bridge
Wise Wombman Dreaming
Visionary Fine Artist and Co-Founder of InfinitUS Art
Studio and Gallery, Kuranda, Queensland Australia
All possibilities dance in the universal womb of the Sacred.
The tapestry of consciousness is woven into the fabric of this space, and time- as we
know it, lingers in an eternal moment. The heart blooms and is intoned with sensory
information of the ‘other’ world… The external world, where breath is the language of
life and love. In a crescendo of harmonic frequencies, we spiral within the field of
creation and our dreaming is sung from our Souls desire to experience the intimacy of
flesh and connection.
Our language of who we are at the Soul level, shapes the reality we choose to weave.
Our Will anchors us into the essence of form, physically manifest to align with a deep
purpose as we cross the most Sacred and honoured bridge… in all cultures.
Pregnant with potential, ripe with meaning… we pass through the channels of Mother,
into a new world. From Spirit incarnate, she calls to us and sings us through….
sings us home.
In her spiralling bEARTH field we begin to align with our path with heart, and thus
begin the sacred rite of passage we must all embark upon.
Through her waters we journey into a new world…
Mother is the grand archetypal bridge
between these worlds and her role, as the
Bridge is to guide her incarnating child
through with safe passage.
Through birth, a dimensional portal is open
with access to not only mother and child, but a
vast ecology of energy.
‘Divine Mama’ by Chanel Baran