The last step is giving birth. What it asks of you is to surrender to the flow of the birth experience. No matter how prepared you are and how much you want your labour to be in one particular way, you cannot control it or force it. The only way is to surrender to the rhythms of birth, allowing birth to take its course. And birth is never a single, isolated event. It is the manifestation of a desire, of something intangible into physical, a completion that is a new beginning. Blooming is an act of love, expression, and connection. It doesn’t have an end. You can always blossom a bit more and more and more. Woman's capacity to bring spirit into matter is not limited to the birth process, but has an ongoing spiritual role in the sustenance of life itself. We need to remember that and embody that if we are to save the Earth and our lives. Now, take a deep breath and let all this to sink into your soul, which, like every flower on this precious earth, knows how to bloom. Allow yourself to feel the gentleness in each petal opening with curiosity. Open up and receive. Nurture yourself. And allow the most beautiful version of you to be born. In Love, with Love, as Love. Taja Albolena Taja lives in Slovenia. She is FemmePreneur, Coach and Mentor for Women who are ready to bloom into their full potential. She leads women to 7&VFR7V66W72