Many times, she is not willing to receive, so she closes down and
conception is not possible. The issue can also be the stress that she receives from
her man, together with the sperm.
It is very interesting to observe, how women are really function as flowers,
either opening or closing her flower.
In order to receive, we need to open to love.
Many times we close
down and try to force what we want to create. We do tings in a seemingly appropriate
way and tend to forget that we cannot control the birth process.
Being vulnerable; allowing ourselves to be open on all levels, can be scary, so
we need to have discernment about when to fully open up or just on one level.
And this is not an easy task.
So when you allow yourself to open up and receive, you need to be able to hold what
is given. Gestation period is crucial here. A vessel with holes in it cannot
hold water.
That is why nurturing of the planted seed is so important for
And what I come across so frequently are women who are impatient, they plant a
tree and they want it to be full grown up tree the very next morning with fruits
hanging from the branches.
We tend to forget that it takes 9 month for a baby to grow up so that it can be
born. Many times in her impatience woman gets the seed out of the soil too soon and
destroys the germ.
Woman nourishes with her love, her
wisdom, and her light, which come all the
way into creation from inner, spiritual
She nourishes through her own being,
not doing.
Woman needs to be in touch with her
body, fully embodied, to allow love and
energy to flow through her body.
Woman is a vehicle for life to nourish itself.