
VOL . 57 • NUMBER 1 • SUMMER 2021

Greetings from the President

This is a time of new normal and ours is a time of catalyzed change . We as a society have realized goals that have been achieved through necessity . Our university is a reflection of that change .
To say that the university has had to pivot over the past year is quite the understatement . The challenges that our students face regularly were heighted and exacerbated by the challenges surrounding us . We continue to persevere and now look at the opportunities that often present themselves during times of change and adversity . I think the current times present a unique challenge for our students in which to challenge themselves , considering the perspectives and opinions presented in healthcare as a result of the pandemic .
Our students have a unique opportunity to consider questions of both the individual healthcare needs of a community member against the greater good of the public health care question . While our students harbor both knowledge and opinion , how they embrace and consider them , with regard to a new normal , are of considerable importance . Leading stories on the nightly news are now of direct and acute interest to our students and no longer purely an academic discussion framed for one ’ s future practice . I have no doubt that our students and their future patients will benefit from these discussions .
We are hopeful that the Fall and Spring semesters will provide opportunities to come back together in person for on campus events at both the Florida and Illinois campuses .
Esse Quam Videri

Joe Stiefel , MS , EdD , DC President National University of Health Sciences pg 3

Alumni Spotlight

pg 7

Alumni News

pg 16


pg 20

Alumni Ambassadors